Welcome to Dansk Varmblod
The premises of Dansk Varmblod, The Danish Warmblood association, are situated at the beautiful mansion Vilhelmsborg just south of Aarhus in central Jutland.

Dansk Varmblod's premises at Vilhelmsborg, the national horse sport centre of DenmarkAddress and opening hours
DANSK VARMBLOD, Vilhelmsborg Allé 1, DK-8320 Maarslet
Tel:. +45 87 47 54 00, Fax +45 87 47 54 10 e-mail:
Opening hours of the main office:
Monday 8am-4pm - (lunch at 12 pm-12:30 pm)
Tuesday 8am-4pm - (lunch at 12 pm-12:30 pm)
Wedensday - Closed
Thursday 8am-4pm - (lunch at 12 pm-12:30 pm)
Friday 8am - 12Pm
Bank and payment information
Bank information: Middelfart Sparekasse, account no. 1687 3230849764
SWIFT: MISPDK2, IBAN-NR: DK6816873230849764
Vat. no.: DKK 26682312